These garage sale tips will help you:
- Get rid of ALL your clutter.
- Get the MOST MONEY you can for it.
- Avoid your garage sale becoming a never-to-repeat nightmare.
What you will find here
You’ll find the best garage sale tips from my experience and from around the internet by first-timer’s “lessons learned” through to seasoned experts.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a garage sale before or you’ve been having them all your life, you’re sure to find tips that will help you have your best, most successful money-making garage sale ever!

Let’s get started
If you are just thinking of having a garage sale the first question to ask yourself is “Should I have a garage sale?” as there are alternatives that may be more appropriate.

The next questions are “What have you got to sell?”. Do you have enough to justify a garage sale? Do you need more ‘stock’ to attract more shoppers?
Then the all important when is the best time for a garage sale? Perhaps you team up with your neighbors or community group and organize a group garage sale instead?
While a garage sale can be thrown together in a week, it won’t be a pleasant or profitable experience. To have a successful garage sale needs weeks to get ready. There are things that need to be done 3 weeks before, then 1 week before then on the day before and during the day.
You will need to know the best garage sale pricing for 2021. How should you best arrange your garage sale and what will you need for your “shop”.
A garage sale won’t be successful without paying customers so you will need to put up ads for your garage sale and flyers and signs for the street.
Then on the big day, depending on how you are prepared, early birds can be a blessing or a problem.
During your garage sale, you’ll need to offer good customer service, be prepared with good selling and haggling skills and be safety and security minded.
Having your kids set up a lemonade stand can be a great educational opportunity for them in dealing with adults, negotiating and handling money.
And here are some freebies and garage sale t-shirts, aprons, caps, signs, pricing stickers, etc to help make the whole experience fun and successful.
At the end of the day, after you have finished counting all your money, you may need to know where and how to donate any unsold items.
…and as a bonus:

A final word
I’m sure these best garage sale tips will help you:
- Get rid of ALL your clutter.
- Get the MOST MONEY you can for it.
- Avoid your garage sale becoming a never-to-repeat nightmare.
- Have your best, most successful garage sale ever.
Good luck with your garage sale.